It’s been 3 years as Intel launched Core 2 Duo. Core 2 Duo CPU got very good reputation as announcing and Intel launched Core 2 Quad CPU later to pull up the multi-tasking performance.
Last year, Intel announced Core i7, has higher performance, for hi-end market. And you will see i5 CPU soon.
For the Intel 3 socket structures, LGA775 is the oldest one and for mainstream market. However, the C/P value is still high.
Core 2 Duo product line can be divided by frequency and L2 cache.
Most hi-end is E8 series, 333 FSB and L2 6MB, then is E7 series, L2 is 3MB, belongs to mid-hi market.
The cheaper one is E5 series, 200 FSB and 2MB cache. Power consumption is 65W, Code name is Pentium.
Pentium is quite confusing user it’s Pentium4 structure.
It’s not so, E5 series is Core 2 Duo, just only cache different.
Of course, we cannot forget the most entry E1 series with 512K cache. The code name is Celeron. As it is Core 2 Duo structure, the performance is still good.